I am relieved because i no longer run for a particular schedule but i cater to my own flow. Its self help. That said, I dont think i have talked here on the blog about my daily schedule. I don’t have a 9-5 or fixed time job and courtsey travels and priorities in personal life my schedule has been quite eratic for the last year or so. Today i wake up not before 9 am and then the day flows. There are also days where i haven’t got anything done by 12 pm because i have woken at 11.55 am whereas most of the world is done with half their daily chores. Was i upset with such a schedule, well yes i was. Upset i think is a lesser word to describe my state. I tried to change i tried quite hard to get to the worlds schedule of waking up between 6-8, meditate or excerice then get ready and have breakfast before 9 then work then lunch between 12-2 and so on and on. I did succeed a few days but it didn’t become my schedule because my lifestyle is different my priorities are different. Reality is everyone’s home life, and work situation is unique, even though for some the schedules go with the so called general its not literally the same for anyone. Being unhappy with it not being one with the worlds standard neither helped me change it nor did favours to my well being. Till i accepted its ok, to have a different flow. Whatever that is. Whether you want to work out at 8 am or 8pm its fine. whether you write at 12 am or 12 pm its fine. Some people are morning people and some night. Not everybodys productivity peaks in the am. Not everybody’s life priorities lets them peak in the am. And resenting/ not catering to that requirement of natural flow does nothing. So why not go with the natural flow of whats happening in your life instead of fighting it. By doing so things are easier and less stressful. Ignoring the proper times for certain tasks, and instead, doing them at a time that feels good to us is also a method to live well. A secret actually.
Its 3.04 am on the dot as i finish writing this post, it doesn’t bother me that its almost morning and that i should have instead written the post at 3.04 pm during the day. I feel strongly about the uniqueness of every individual and their lives and accepting that and this post is a small introduction to it. More coming up, till then cater to your flow its therapeutic.
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Beautiful flowers and interesting post ... indeed you don't have to fit in a specific model ... even more if it is not made for you! Time management, and management is your responsibility ;)
I can imagine for some that it is nice to just go with your own flow, I have to say though personally I'm all about planning - it doesn't have to be the same or set but I have to have things planned out.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I could deal with such an erratic schedule but it's good that it works for you x
ReplyDeleteThat's one of the fantastic things about working from home for yourself - a schedule is not needed! As long as you're enjoying what you're doing, does it matter? :)
ReplyDeleteWe don't have a fixed schedule and that works for us. We spend all day with our daughter and then work late in to the night.
ReplyDeleteThis is sooo true dear. Though writing can be taught, it can't be forced. So when you feel good writing, it doesnt matter what time it is. Anyway, lovely shots of flowers you have here!
ReplyDeleteJessica | notjessfashion.com
I am someone who loves routine and putting together a schedule otherwise I will just waste my days away so I always have at least part of my day planned and scheduled
ReplyDeleteI think everyone is different sometimes I like to plan things out so I know what need to get done it doesn't have to be the same schedule everyday but I like to know what I am doing. Then there are days when I just go with the flow :-)
ReplyDeleteI loved reading this as I just go with the flow everyday and my family think it's terrible! It works for me though, and I'm happy with how things are. I think that's the most important part :)
ReplyDeleteLouise x